Finding common solutions.

Medical devices distribution qualification process.

There has been a significant increase in the demand for high-quality medical services in the Near and Middle East, Africa, and Central Asia. The local populations are seeking improved treatments within their region rather than travelling abroad for medical care.

In response to this growing demand, distribution becomes crucial. Luca Gabella, representing a group of medical device companies, is seeking new regional distributors to collaborate with in order to gain access to emerging markets.

A practical approach to early qualification.

Luca Gabella is dedicated to collecting information to establish direct connections with potential regional partners. Once a distributor completes the form below, Luca will get in touch with them to establish a legal framework for sharing information. This includes setting up a Non-Disclosure and Circumvention agreement, creating a shared data room, and establishing a direct communication channel.

A practical approach to early qualification.

Luca Gabella is dedicated to collecting information to establish direct connections with potential regional partners. Once a distributor completes the form below, Luca will get in touch with them to establish a legal framework for sharing information. This includes setting up a Non-Disclosure and Circumvention agreement, creating a shared data room, and establishing a direct communication channel.